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Game Bloxorz preview



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9.0(10 votes)


Bloxorz is a captivating puzzle game where your objective is to maneuver a rectangular block through various levels to fit it perfectly into a square hole. This game is renowned for its simple yet challenging gameplay, engaging your logical skills and spatial awareness. It's not part of a series but stands out for its unique concept and has become a beloved game in the puzzle category.

How to play Bloxorz?

The key to Bloxorz is moving the block strategically so that it falls into the square hole at the end of each level. There are 33 levels in total, each with increasing complexity. You'll encounter bridges and switches that add to the challenge. Be careful not to fall off the edges, or you'll have to restart the level. As you progress, the game tests your problem-solving skills and ability to think several moves ahead.

What are the controls for Bloxorz?

Move the block: Use the Arrow Keys or WASD.


  • Puzzle-based gameplay
  • 33 challenging levels
  • Bridges and switches in levels
  • Level-based progression
  • Emphasis on logical skills and spatial awareness
  • Playable on multiple platforms (web, iOS, Android)
  • Classic puzzle game mechanics
  • Requires strategic thinking and planning


Stage 1: R, R, D, R3, D

Stage 2: U, R, D, R4, U2, D2, R4, U, L, U

Stage 3: R, U, R3, U, L, D, R, U2, R3, D3, R, U

Stage 4: U, L, U, R2, U, R6, D, R, D5, R, U, L6, D

Stage 5: L3, R, L5, D, R, D2, R4, D, R4, L4, D, L6

Stage 6: R3, D, R, D2, R, D2, R, U, L3, U2, L, U3, R3, D2, L, U, R2, D, R, D2, R

Stage 7: D, L, U, R5, D, R, L, U, L5, D, R, D, R, D, R3, U2, R, D, L, U, R, U2, R3, D, R, D, R, D, L, U

Stage 8: R2, D3, R2, Space, U3, R2

Stage 9: R, D, R6, U, R, D, L5, U, Space, D, R5, D

Stage 10: Round switch: R2, L, D3, R, D5, L4, U, L3, D; X switch: U, R3, D, R3, U, Space, R2, D3, R, D3, L, D; Exit: U, R, U4, L2, D, R, U2, L7

Stage 11: R4, U, L, D3, R4, U2, L, U2, L3, D, R, U, R2, D, R, U, L3, D2, L3, U2, R, U2, L, D, R, U, R, D, L

Stage 12: Left X switch: L, D, R, U5, D, L, U, R3, D3, L, U, R, U3, L3; Right X switch: R3, D3, L, D, R, U, R, D, L, U3, R2, U; Exit: D, L2, D3, R, U, L, U2, L3, D2, L

Stage 13: U, L, D, R, U, L, D, R2, U, L, U2; L7; D3, R, U, L, D, R, D2; R, D2, R, U, L2, D, R, U2, L, D, R, U, R2, U2

Stage 14: Bottom X switch: R4, U, L2, D, R3, D4, L3, D, R2, D, R2; Top X switch: L2, U, L2, U, R2, U2; Exit: D2, L2, D, L, U, R3, U4, L6, U, R, D, L5, D3, R, D, R

Stage 15: Teleporter: R4, U2; Right block: R; Left block to round switch: Space, U5, R3, U2, R4, D2; Still left block: U2, R5; Exit: L4, U, R, D, L2, U, R, D, L3, D, L3, D4, L, U, R, D, R7

Stage 16: First teleporter: R4; X switches: Space, R, D, Space, R, U; Bridges: Space, R, L3, R4; Exit: L4, R2, Space, D, R7

Stage 17: Round & 1st X switch: D5, L, U, R5, U, R3; 2nd & 3rd X switch: L3, D, L4, U6, R4, D, R4, D, L, U, R, D; 4th X switch: U, R, D, L, U2, R, D, L2, U, R, D, L4, U, L4, D6, R4, U, R3, D2; Exit: U, L, U, L3, D, L3, U3, L, U, R5, D, R3

Stage 18: 1st round switch: U, L, D, R4, U2; 2nd round switch: D2, L3, U, R, D, L2, U, R, D, R3, D2; X switch: U2, L3, U, L, D, R, U, L2, D4, R2; Exit: L2, U4, R2, D, R, U, L, D2, R, U, L, D, R, U, R5, D3, R, U, L, D2, R, U, L, D, L, U, R

Stage 19: R8; U-turns: D, R, U, L6; D, R, U, R5, D5, L5; D, L, U, R6; U, L, D, L5, D4, R3; L6, U2

Stage 20: Teleporter: D, L, D, R, D, L, U2, R, U2, L3, D, L2, U, R4, D3, L, U; Lower block to round switch: Space, L, U, L4, U5, L6, D5, L, D; Return: U, R, U5, R6, D2, L; Reunite blocks: Space, L5, D2; Exit: D3, R4, D2, L, U, R, D

Stage 21: 1st X switch: R, D, L, U, L, D, R, U, R2, U, R3, U, L, D3; 2nd X switch: U3, R, D, L3, D, L2, D, L, U, R, D, R, U, L, D, R, U, L, D, R, D2, R, D2, R3, U2; Exit: D2, L2, U, L, D, R3, U4, R3

Stage 22: Right X switch: R2, U, R3, D, R2, D3, L, D; Left X switch: U, R, U3, L, U, R, D, L, U, L4, D, L3, D, R, U, R, D, L, D3, R, D; Exit: U, L, U3, R, U, L, D, R, U, R4, D, R4, U

Stage 23: Teleporter: R, U, L, D, R8, U, L, D, R; Right block for round switches: L3, U5, R4, U, D, L6, D4, L7, U3, R2, U; Reunited block to teleporter: D, L, U, R, D2, R, D3, R8, U, L, D, R; Exit: L4, U3, Space, D, R2, D3, R4, U2

Stage 24: 1st X switch (left): D, L, D, R, D, L, U2; 2nd X switch (right): D2, R, U, L, U, R, D, R2, U2, R, U, R4, U, L, D, R, U, R, D, L; 3rd X switch (top center): L5, D, R; Teleporter: L, U, R6, U, L, D, L, U, R, D, R; 4th X switch (bottom center): Space, D, Space, R, D, L; Exit: R, U, R3

Stage 25: Top round switch: U, R, D, L, D, R, U, L2, D, R, U2, R3, U2, L2, U, R; X switch: L, D, R2, D2, L4, D, R2, U; Exit: R3, U2, R3, U, L, D, R, U2, L, D, R, U, R, D, L

Stage 26: To teleporter: U2, L3, D, L3, D, R, U, R2, U2, R2, D, R2, D, R2, U2; Activate X switch: L2, U, L6, D, L3, D3, Space, U3, L6, D, L3, D3; To teleporter again: U2, R, U, R2, U3, R, D, R3, D, R2, U2; To exit: L2, U, L4, D5, R3, Space, U3, L4, D5, R2, L

Stage 27: Activate left round switch: R5, U, L, D, R, U, R, D, L6, U, R, D, L2, U, R, D, R4, U, R4, D3, L, D; To exit: D2, L3, D, L, U4, R, D, L7, U, L, D2, R, U, L, D, R, U, L

Stage 28: To teleporter: L, D3, R, D, L, U, R, D2, R2, D2, R3, U3, L, U, L, U, L, U, L, D, R2, D, R, D, R, D, R2, D, L, D, L2, U3, L, U, L, U, L2, U, L2, D, L, U, R3, D, R, D, R, D, R, D, R; Move single blocks to exit: L4, D3, L4, U2, L4, D, Space, L6, U2, L4, U

Stage 29: Activate higher round switch on right: R, D, L, U, R2, D, L, U, R, D2, R2; Activate round switch on left: L2, U2, L, U, L, D, L, U, R, D, L, U2, L2; Activate highest X switch: R2, D2, R, U, R, D, L2, U, R, D, R, U2, R2; Activate bottom round switch: L2, D6, R2; Activate X switch on left: L2, U4, L6; Activate X switch on right: R5, D, L, U, R2, D, L, U, R5; To exit: L5, U, L, D4, L3, D, R, U, L, D, R, U, L

Stage 30: Activate bottom right X switch: D, R, D2, R2, U, R2, D, R4, U; Activate top right X switch: D, L4, U, L3, D2, L, U, R6, U3, R3, U, R; Activate left X switch: D3, L2, D, L, D, R, U2, R, D, L, D, L4, U, L2, D, L2, U, L, D, L, U, R, U; To exit: D, L, D, R, U, R, D, R2, U, L, D2, L, U, R7, U, L, U3, R3, U, R, U, L5, D, L

Stage 31: Activate top X switch: U, L, D, L2, U4; Activate center X switch: D4, R3, U, L, D, R, U4, R, U, L, D2, L6, D, L, U, R2, D, L, U, R4, D3, L, D2; Activate left X switch: U2, R, U3, L4, D, R, U, L, D4, L2, D, R, U2, L, D, R2, U, L, D, R; To exit: L, D, R, U, L2, D, R, U2, R3, U, R2, D, R3, U, L, D, R, U5, R, D, L

Stage 32: Activate center X switch: U2, L, D, R, U, R, U, R, D, L; Activate top right X switch: R, U, L, D, L, D, L, U, R, D, L, U, R, U, R, U, R, D, L2, D4, L4, U, R, D, R3, U5, R, U, R2, U; Activate bottom X switch: D, L2, D, L, D5, L4, U, R; Activate top right X switch again: L, D, R4, U5, R, U, R2, U; To exit: D, L2, D, L, D5, L3, U, R, D, R2, U, R, U3, R2, U, L, D, L, D, L, D, R, U, L2, U, L5, D

Stage 33: Activate X switch: R4, U, L, D2, L, U, R, U2, R2, D, R, D, R, U, L2, U, R, D, R, D2, R, D, L, D2, R2, U; To exit: D, L2, U4, L, U, L, D, R, D, R, U, L, U, L3, D3, L, D, L2, D, L, U

Release date

June 2007


DX Interactive



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